Back in the day, the Oberhafen canteen was a so-called Kaffeeklappe on the outskirts of the harbor city and catered for harbor and shipyard workers. Today, it is an institution in Hamburg. In the Oberhafen canteen, a cool and unusual atmosphere is combined with a menu just as cool and unusual. They cook with regional and sustainable products. The meals are very creative and down-to-earth at the same time. They are also very good at making drinks, for example the Oberhafen pear tonic made from the Williams Christ pear, organic pear juice, aperol and tonic. Cheers!
In 1925, the host Hermann Sparr built the Oberhafen canteen and ran it with the help of his 12-year old daughter Anita. She stayed there for a proud 72 years until her death in 1997. Shortly after, the Oberhafen canteen was put in a dangerous sloping position due to storm surges and floodings, which is why it was closed down by the public order office because of a danger of collapse. It could have been the end of this unique real estate, had it not been classified as an historical monument in 2000 as well as bought and lavishly refurbished by an investor shortly thereafter.